Refer and earn

Not into building solutions? Discover the benefits of becoming a referral partner.

How it works

Have a client or know a business that could benefit from Kademi's software? Fill out the form on this page to connect with our team about becoming a referral partner.

As a referral partner, you’ll enjoy benefits like:

Recurring commission

Earn up to 25% in evergreen commission on every opportunity you refer to Kademi that our sales team closes.

Kademi typically sells for USD $1,300 to $2,500 per month, with an average tenure of at least 3 years for channel program solutions. This yields an average commission payout of $17,100 over three years for each referral.

Services revenue

Even if you don't create solutions on Kademi, referral partners often benefit from additional service revenue generated by their clients using Kademi.

Get in touch

Connect with the Kademi team below to find out more.