Affiliate programs

Help clients scale through referrals by launching an affiliate link tracking program.

Solution overview

B2B affiliate programs are a dynamic marketing strategy where your clients can partner with affiliates to promote their products or services. By engaging with other businesses, industry influencers, or individuals with relevant networks, your clients can incentivize these affiliates with commissions or rewards for driving sales, leads, or other valuable actions.

Using a unique link referral workflow, affiliates receive personalized links to track their referrals which payout when an outcome is achieved e.g. a sale or signup. This approach enables your clients to expand their reach and tap into new markets, leveraging the influence and connections of their affiliates to achieve broader growth.

An example of an affiliate program could include a software company who wants to encourage technology bloggers to recommend their software to their audience.

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Referral program

Employees Partners Customers

Create a program that incentivizes companies and individuals to refer sales opportunities to your client.

Resources hub

Employees Partners Customers

Launch a secure hub to share and target resources from sales kits to marketing materials.

Reseller program


Solutions that enable and support resellers of products, from tech to software, to close more deals.