Resources hub

A simple and secure way to share resources with partners and customers.

Solution overview

It's common for companies to set up a simple hub to share resources with their partners and customers.

Resources can include marketing materials and sales kits, typically designed to enable partners and provide them with what they need to sell or promote a company.

A secure resources hub will offer simple tools for users to search for and download resources. By adopting Kademi, our AI partner assist chatbot can also reference resources, answer questions, and provide links to download materials, creating a highly streamlined experience for the user.

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Training hub

Employees Partners Customers

Create a highly immersive training programs that targets courses and certifies learners. Training can also have an incentive mechanic.

Sales rep portal


Empower your clients' internal sales reps with interactive reports, training, and support within a personalized portal.

Reseller program


Solutions that enable and support resellers of products, from tech to software, to close more deals.